• Lettie Shumate

    Real Talk: Women’s Suffrage Movement and Voting Rights in the US

    Lettie Shumate is a Black woman, historian, anti-racism educator, and racial justice advocate with a passion for breaking down and sharing true History. In this episode Lettie shares the real story behind the 19th amendment and who actually got the right to vote when it was passed. She also breaks down  the racist history of many of the early white women suffragists and perhaps most importantly we talk about the Black women suffragists that history often ignores. 

  • Cara Meredith

    Cara Meredith

    Author and speaker Cara Meredith grew up in a colorless world. From childhood, she didn't think issues of race had anything to do with her, and she was ignorant of many of the racial realities (including individual and systemic racism) in America today. A colorblind rhetoric had been stamped across her education, world view, and Christian theology.That all changed Cara met and fell in love with the son of black icon, James Meredith. After she married and their family grew to include two mixed-race sons, Cara knew she would never see the world through a colorless lens again. 

  • Cara Meredith,  Marcie Walker,  Osheta Moore

    Justice, Race & Friendship

    In this episode of the HerStory Speaks podcast, Osheta Moore, Marcie Walker and Cara Meredith join me for an honest conversation about peacemaking, racial reconciliation and friendships between Black and white women. Toward the end of the episode they share what is bringing them joy right now and what they are reading. You don’t want to miss this truth telling episode mixed with hard topics and some light hearted fun along the way.

  • Patrice Gopo

    Patrice Gopo

    Patrice Gopo was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska and she is the child of Jamaican immigrants. Drawing on her experiences, Patrice enjoys exploring racial identity formation, race relations, and the search for a sense of belonging. Her essays have appeared in a variety of publications, including Catapult, Creative Nonfiction, and online in The New York Times and The Washington Post. Her essay collection, All the Colors We Will See, was a Fall 2018 Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writers selection. When she’s not writing, Patrice enjoys speaking to groups about the power of personal storytelling. She believes sharing personal stories help us both see our commonalities and honor our differences. These actions ultimately can contribute to a more…

  • Emmy Kegler

    Emmy Kegler (REISSUE)

    We are revisiting an episode from the fall of 2019. Emmy Kegler is the pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, a small servant-hearted neighborhood congregation in Northeast Minneapolis focused on feeding the hungry and community outreach. Emmy has a Master’s in Divinity from Luther Seminary in Saint Paul, Minn., and is an ordained pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.  She was raised in the Episcopal Church and spent some time in evangelical and non-denominational traditions before finding her home in the ELCA. Her first book, One Coin Found: How God’s Love Stretches to the Margins, tells her story as a queer Christian called to ordained ministry and how it formed her relationship with Scripture.

  • Marcie Walker

    Marcie Walker on Monuments, Memorials and History

    Marcie Walker  joins me again for our monthly chat. In this episode we talk about all things U.S. monuments and memorials and the recent controversies to take them down. Marcie gives her wisdom and insight from a biblical, historical and justice perspective. We end our convo with a message of hope and encouragement that even in these times of racial tensions and pandemic, there are still glimmers of hope and joy that can be found.

  • Lettie Shumate

    Lettie Shumate

    Lettie Shumate is a Black woman, historian, anti-racism educator, and racial justice advocate living near Wilmington, North Carolina. Not only is breaking down history one of Lettie’s passions, but leading anti-racism work, facilitating conversations in anti-racism workshops and programs, and continuing to inform others about the larger issues that must be confronted to dismantle white supremacy culture in America, all encompass her purpose. Her podcast, ”Sincerely, Lettie" dives deep into true history, anti-racism, racial justice, and more. Breaking down history to connect the past to today, and encompassing anti-racism work is Lettie’s passion and she doesn’t hold back when it comes to tough conversations.

  • Marcie Walker

    Marcie Walker

    Marcie Walker  joins me again for this bonus episode. Marcie is a Christian, African-American writer and creator of the blog and Instagram feed, Black Coffee with White Friends, where she chronicles her experiences as a black woman navigating white-dominant spaces. Marcie is also the creator of  “Mocking Bird History Lessons” where she researches, writes and shares the missing narratives of our country’s history.

  • Lisa Bevere

    Lisa Bevere

    Lisa Bevere is a New York Times best-selling author and speaker who is known for her powerful and passionate teaching style. She’s been teaching from the stage for more than 30 years, inspiring women to follow her example and to become the women God calls them to be. In her new 90-day devotional, Strong, Lisa takes her teachings one step further, inspiring women to embark on a journey to grow deeper in their relationships with God in order to become the strong, powerful, passionate women they were created to be

  • Khristi Lauren Adams

    Khristi Lauren Adams

    Khristi Lauren Adams is a speaker, author, youth advocate and ordained Baptist minister. She is passionate about youth advocacy and committed to work that affirms the wholeness and self-worth of black girls and women. She is the author of Parable of the Brown Girl, released February 2020. The book highlights the cultural and spiritual truths that emerge from the lives of young black girls. In this episode, Khristi joins me to discuss her new book and her passion behind sharing stories of girls of color that are often overlooked, unseen, and ignored rather than valued and heard. She also shares her story of growing up as a black girl surrounded by…

  • Myisha T

    Myisha T.

    Myisha T is an awesome and sometimes exhausted mom to 3 different-ability children. She is an anti-racism guide, mental health activist, speaker, and entrepreneur who is passionate about women’s mental wellness and empowerment. A passionate advocate for mental wellness, Myisha T believes that when people get real, they can begin to heal. She founded the “Check Your Privilege” (CYP) movement, an online community, and a series of workshops that support women all over the world in exploring their relationships with power, privilege, and racism.

  • DL Mayfield

    D.L. Mayfield

    D. L. Mayfield is a writer and activist who has spent over a decade working with refugee communities in the United States. She has written for places as varied as Christianity Today, Image journal, and The Washington Post. Her book of essays, Assimilate or Go Home: Notes from a Failed Missionary on Rediscovering Faith was released in 2016. Her second book, The Myth of the American Dream: Reflections on Affluence, Autonomy, Safety and Power released May of 2020. D.L. examines the central values of the American dream and asks us to take a deep look at if they compatible with Jesus' command to love our neighbor as ourselves

  • emily joy

    Emily Joy

    Emily Joy Allison is an author, poet, and yoga teacher. In November of 2017, as the #MeToo hashtag was going viral, Emily came forward with her own story of abuse at the hands of her church and launched the #ChurchToo movement overnight. She has been writing and speaking about religious sexualized violence and its theological underpinnings ever since. Her work takes place where faith, sexuality, and healing collide. Her debut book about #ChurchToo will be published with Broadleaf Books in 2021. Emily lives in Nashville with her dog Harley and her partner Caitlin, and she works at a church in her spare time.

  • Ruth Everhart

    Ruth Everhart

    Ruth Everhart  is an ordained Presbyterian Pastor who has been serving the church for more than twenty-five years. She been writing about sexual abuse and faith since 2012, when she authored her memoir, Ruined, that tells her deeply personal story of being raped at gunpoint at age 20.  We talk about this and her  decade-long journey to build a new faith in the aftermath of that horrific night. Ruth’s newest book, The #MeToo Reckoning: Facing the Church’s Complicity in Sexual Abuse and Misconduct, shines light on the prevalence of sexual abuse and misconduct within faith communities. Ruth shares how far too often, churches have been complicit in protecting abusers, reinforcing patriarchal power dynamics, and creating…

  • Rozella Haydėe White,  Rozella Haydée White

    Rozella Haydée White

    Rozella Haydée White is the #LoveBigCoach, one who believes that love and Revolutionary Relationships can heal the world and bring us back to ourselves and to each other. She is the owner of RHW Consulting, which provides life and leadership coaching, retreats, inspirational speaking, and writing that accompanies people as they create and live their most meaningful lives. Rozella actively works to restore hearts to wholeness so that all can not simply survive, but thrive. As a writer, teacher, speaker, and public theologian, Rozella boldly engages issues of faith, justice, self-care, mental illness, and the radical and transformative love of God as embodied in the person of Jesus.

  • Kathy Escobar

    Kathy Escobar

    Kathy Escobar co-pastors The Refuge, a Christian community and mission center in North Denver. Her passion is creating safe and brave spaces for transformation and healing in a variety of contexts. A speaker, spiritual director, group facilitator, and organizational consultant, she is author of several books including her most recent, Practicing: Changing Yourself to Change the World as well as founder of the non-profit #communityheals--Making Spaces for Transformation Accessible for All. More at kathyescobar.com. In this episode we talk about walking through grief and a global pandemic, evolving faith during hard times and the concept of Friday/Saturday/Sunday living as we approach the Easter holiday.

  • Kelley Nikondeha

    Kelley Nikondeha

    Kelley Nikondeha is the co-director and chief storyteller for Communities of Hope, a community development enterprise in Burundi, Africa. She is the co-founder of Amahoro Africa, a conversation between theologians and practitioners within the African context.

  • Stephanie Tait

    Stephanie Tait

    Stephanie Tait is a author, speaker, trauma-survivor and disability advocate with Lyme Disease. In the fourteen years it took her to get a diagnosis, she struggled with miscarriages, medical indifference and sexism, and the birth of her two sons.  Her book, The View from Rock Bottom, is a tale of her struggles with chronic illness along with messages about faith, pain, suffering, joy, and hope.

  • Sheila Walsh

    Sheila Walsh

    Sheila Walsh is a powerful communicator, bible teacher, co-host of LIFE TODAY and a best-selling author with over 5 million books sold. Her international ministry has reached millions of women by combining honesty, vulnerability, and humor with the transforming power of God’s Word. In today's episode, Sheila candidly shares the heartaches of her early family life and how she struggled to prove herself worthy of God’s love. We also talk about her journey through grief, shame, healing and the power of prayer. 

  • Rebekah Charleston

    Rebekah Charleston

    Rebekah Charleston is passionate about the crime of human trafficking. She is the Executive Director of Valiant Hearts, a ministry dedicated to eradicating sexual exploitation. At the age of 17 Rebekah became a victim of sex trafficking when she ran away from home. She remained a victim for more than 10 years with multiple traffickers. She was able to escape when the federal authorities finally became involved. As a survivor, Rebekah has wisdom to impart and a story that will help give understanding to the crime of human trafficking as well as shed light on what happens here in America. She is an advocate for victims of human trafficking, a consultant with the National…

  • Julia Sadler

    Julia Sadler

    Julia Sadler, LPC, is the author of Pray Big Things: The Surprisingly Life God Has For You When You’re Bold Enough to Ask! She reality star from TLC's Rattled who has seen God do immeasurably more than anything she could hope or imagine with experiencing three miscarriages in a year and then delivering miracle triplets!

  • Sarah Quezada

    Sarah Quezada

    Sarah Quezada is an author, advocate, and business owner. She has a master's in sociology and nearly two decades of experience working across cultures and leading conversations about justice and faith. Her first book, Love Undocumented: Risking Trust in a Fearful World, chronicled her journey through the immigration system with her husband, Billy, who emigrated from Guatemala City.

  • Rebekah Lyons

    Rebekah Lyons

    Rebekah Lyons is a national speaker and bestselling author. An old soul with a contemporary, honest voice, Rebekah reveals her own battles to overcome anxiety and depression—and invites others to discover and boldly pursue their God-given purpose from a place of freedom

  • Emmy Kegler

    Emmy Kegler Q&A

    Pastor Emmy Kegler joins host, Andrea Miller, for this bonus episode.  Emmy was a guest on episode 44 of the Her Story Speaks Podcast where she shared her story growing up as a Queer Christian called to ordained ministry. In this episode  we dive into the clobber verses and talk about the Christian response to the LGBTQ community. Emmy answers questions and also shares resources and knowledge to help educate those wrestling with this topic. 

  • Marcie Walker

    Marcie Walker

    Marcie Walker is a Christian, African-American blogger. She is the creator of the blog and Instagram feed, Black Coffee with White Friends, a blog that chronicles her experiences as a black woman navigating white-dominant spaces.

  • Carolyn Custis James

    Carolyn Custis James

    Carolyn Custis James is an award winning author who thinks deeply about what it means to be a female follower of Jesus in a postmodern world. As a cancer survivor, she is grateful to be alive and determined to address the issues that matter most.

  • Emmy Kegler

    Emmy Kegler

    Emmy Kegler is the pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, a small servant-hearted neighborhood congregation in Northeast Minneapolis focused on feeding the hungry and community outreach. Emmy has a Master’s in Divinity from Luther Seminary in Saint Paul, Minn., and is an ordained pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.  She was raised in the Episcopal Church and spent some time in evangelical and non-denominational traditions before finding her home in the ELCA. Her first book, One Coin Found: How God’s Love Stretches to the Margins, tells her story as a queer Christian called to ordained ministry and how it formed her relationship with Scripture.

  • Sarah Bessey

    Sarah Bessey

    Sarah Bessey is the author of the best-selling and critically acclaimed books “Jesus Feminist” and “Out of Sorts: Making Peace with an Evolving Faith.” Her latest book “Miracles and Other Reasonable Things” was just released Oct. 2019. Sarah is a sought-after speaker at churches, conferences, and universities around the world. She is the co-curator and co-host of the annul Evolving Faith Conference and she also serves as chair of the board for Heartline Ministries in Haiti.  In this episode, Sarah and I talk about evolving faith, leaving the church, finding Jesus, women’s role in ministry/the church and why it matters, and making more room at the table for those on the margins. 

  • Nichole Nordeman

    Nichole Nordeman

    A self-described "wrestling poet," singer/songwriter Nichole Nordeman doesn't shy away from life’s messier realities when performing and creating her music. Unflinchingly honest, her songs are too numerous to list but include "Slow Down,"Holy," “Legacy” and "What If." During the formation of each song, and played out within the lyrics, Nichole explores the nuances of life, faith and theology.

  • Nicole Johnson

    Nicole Johnson

    As a  bestselling author, performer, and motivational speaker, Nicole Johnson is one of the most sought-after creative communicators in America today. Her unique ability to blend humor with compassion as she captures the inner-most feelings of women facing life’s daily struggles, has enabled her to create a unique sense of community for women of all ages. Over three million women across America have seen Nicole’s live portrayals of the challenges facing today’s mega-multi-tasking woman. Her “Fresh Brewed Life” message gives women “Hope for the Daily Grind”. 

  • Kasey Van Norman

    Kasey Van Norman

    A difficult childhood, public infidelity, and a fight with cancer - Kasey Van Norman has walked a rocky road of regret and loss. Thru sharing the the brokenness in her own life, Kasey reminds us that a holy, sovereign God lovingly works, not in spite of our past, but through it. 

  • jada edwards

    Jada Edwards

    Jada Edwards is an experienced speaker, Bible teacher and mentor. She has committed her life to equipping women of all ages, regardless of marital status, with practical, biblical truth to help them live authentic and transparent lives. Jada currently serves as the Creative Services Director and the Women’s Director for One Community Church, in Plano, TX, where her husband Conway serves as the Lead Pastor

  • Kat Armstrong

    Kat Armstrong

    Kat Armstrong is a powerful voice in our generation as an innovative ministry leader and sought-after communicator. She has a passion for emboldening women to be all in for Jesus. She  is the co-founder and executive director of Polished Ministries (polishedonline.org), an organization that gathers young professional women to navigate career and explore faith together.

  • Lora Jones

    Lora Jones

    In November 2004, Lora Jones was a happy wife and proud mother of two beautiful children. That all changed when Lora and her family left for a family vacation and the sounds of music and laughter in their van were shattered by a head-on collision. Lora watched helplessly as, one-by-one, her beloved family slipped into eternity. Awake in a nightmare, all traces of laughter were replaced by the mournful cries of a wounded heart. How in the world could Lora go on alone? With nothing left of her former life, Lora began the long journey toward finding hope. In her book, Song of a Wounded Heart, Lora tells the true story of her journey from…

  • Gena Thomas

    Gena Thomas

    Gena Thomas is a writer, a faith wrestler, a wife, and a mom. She has written for several Christian publications, and published her first book, A Smoldering Wick: Igniting Missions Work with Sustainable Practices in 2016. Her second book, Separated by the Border: A birth mother, a foster mother, and a migrant child’s 3,000-mile journey unpacks the story of Gena reuniting her Honduran foster daughter with her family after separation at the US border.

  • Kate Merrick

    Kate Merrick

    In 2013 Kate Merrick said goodbye to her 8 year-old daughter Daisy Love when she left for heaven after suffering through cancer treatments for 3 1/2 years. After Daisy's passing, Kate was silent for three years in grief and contemplation. She now blogs at KMerrick.com with fresh perspective and newfound freedom to be sentimental or silly or anywhere in between.Kate is making her way back toward laughter and finding life to be filled with good things.

  • Amy Mutispaugh

    Amy Mutispaugh

    When a drowning claimed the life of her four year old son Evan, Amy Mutispaugh turned to God for her own survival. Through prayer, scripture meditation, and a strong pursuit of the will of God, she has found beauty for ashes.

  • Mo Isom

    Mo Isom

    Mo Isom is the New York Times Bestselling author of Wreck My Life: Journeying from Broken to Bold and the author of Sex, Jesus, and the Conversations the Church Forgot. Having faced great personal tragedy—including battling an eating disorder, overcoming the suicide of her father, and surviving a horrific car accident—Mo is passionate about speaking on a wide variety of topics and is able to connect with men and women of all ages and demographics.

  • Katherine McGibbon

    Katherine McGibbon

    Katherine McGibbon is a mother, advocate, author and playwright who is passionate about helping others. She was raised in Canada by her mother, who instilled solid family values and taught Katherine and her siblings the importance of standing up for what is right and speaking out about what is not. Katherine was raised in church and to be strong and independent. And yet, when she was 21 years old, Katherine became a victim of sex trafficking. After nearly a year of being trapped, Katherine successfully escaped and returned to life in Houston, never looking back to a life of hell and trauma. After many years of living in silence, Katherine decided to journal what happened to her as a way…

  • Katie Davis Majors

    Katie Davis Majors

    Katie Davis Majors moved to Uganda over a decade ago when she was just 18 yrs old-with no idea that this would be the place that God chose to build her home and her family. Today, she is a wife to Benji and mom to 13 adopted daughters and 2 sons. Katie and her family invest their lives in empowering the people of Uganda with education, medical care, and spiritual discipleship. 

  • Nicole Bromley

    Nicole Bromley

    Nicole Braddock Bromley is the founder of OneVOICE (www.iamonevoice.org), a sexual abuse survivor and an international activist on child sexual abuse, sexual assault and sexual exploitation. For 16 years, Nicole has traveled extensively as a voice of awareness, prevention, hope and healing to some of the most at-risk populations around the world as well as to some of the most prestigious colleges and universities.

  • Mary DeMuth

    Mary DeMuth

    Mary DeMuth is an international speaker and podcaster, novelist and nonfiction author. As the survivor of childhood sexual abuse, Mary has done the long, unselfish work of healing wounds. She now loves to help other people re-story their lives and find freedom in Christ

  • Amy Ford

    Amy Ford

    Going through an unplanned pregnancy in her teens was one of the hardest times in Amy Ford's life. Looking back on those nine months of brokenness, fueled the passion and desire to change things for young women with unplanned pregnancies.

  • Shadia Hrichi

    Shadia Hrichi

    Shadia Hrichi is a passionate Bible teacher who has a heart for seeing lives transformed by the power of God’s Word. In this episode of Her Story Speaks, Shadia shares her amazing true story of her miraculous encounter with the child she lost to abortion that serves as the inspiration behind her Bible study, Worthy of Love. 

  • Ashley Abercrombie

    Ashley Abercrombie

    shley Abercrombie fought to overcome addiction, rape, abortion, perfectionism and dysfunctional relationships to become an honest, whole and free woman (most days). She wore a mask more than half her life, and considers herself too old, and too annoyed to ever put that thing on again. She has been in urban, multicultural, racially diverse ministry for more than 15 years, leading people and teaching and preaching at Bible studies, classes, schools, small groups, and Sunday services. 

  • Melissa Ohden

    Melissa Ohden

    Melissa Ohden is the survivor of a failed saline infusion abortion in 1977. Despite the initial concerns regarding Melissa’s future after surviving the attempt to end  her life at approximately seven months gestation, she has not only survived but thrived.

  • Alex Seeley

    Alex Seeley

    Alex Seeley is a passionate communicator and teacher of the Word. Possessing a unique ability to reveal how the Word of God is applicable to our everyday lives, Alex shares openly about how the power of God has proven real in her own life. Known for her boldness and tenacity, you’ll love the way Jesus shines through her.