Katie Davis Majors

Katie Davis Majors

Katie Davis Majors moved to Uganda over a decade ago when she was just 18 yrs old-with no idea that this would be the place that God chose to build her home and her family. Today, she is a wife to Benji and mom to 13 adopted daughters and 2 sons. Katie and her family invest their lives in empowering the people of Uganda with education, medical care, and spiritual discipleship. 

She is also the founder of  Amazima Ministries International, a non-profit organization that cares for vulnerable children and families in Uganda (www.amazima.org). The word “Amazima” means “truth” in the native Luganda language and speaks to Katie’s desire to see relationships restored and lives transformed

Additionally, she is the author of Kisses from Katie: A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption and Daring to Hope, which chronicle her amazing call and obedience to God and to Uganda. Read more of Katie’s blog at katiemajors.blog and follow her on Instagram and Twitter at @katieinuganda 

Katie’s website

Amazima Ministries

Katie’s Books: Daring to Hope and Kisses from Katie


 Katie’s Instagram // Amazima’s Instagram