'Jesus and Justice'

Gigi Khanyezi

By integrating theology, sociology, and psychology, Gigi Khanyezi has devoted her life to healing, equipping, and mobilizing people to seek racial justice. She is the Founder/Director of Jesus and Justice, where she is a writer, artist, activist, and speaker and where she facilitates the groundbreaking Jesus and Justice Course with an emphasis on healing racial trauma.
 After growing up in E. Oakland, 30 years in the US as a Latina woman of color activist, Gigi relocated to Soweto, South Africa for ten years.  Living in a beautiful, entirely African community of five million in the most racially polarized country in the world, she was considered WHITE. It was the greatest identity crisis of her life and became the most important training ground. While in South Africa she fostered and adopted two precious little boys whom she named Jericho and Judah.
Gigi received her BA in Sociology and African & African American Studies from UC Davis, M.Div. with an emphasis in Intercultural Ministry, and she is currently a Doctoral student at Howard University School of Divinity where she is integrating Healing Intergenerational Collective Racial Trauma with theology.
She can be found at www.GigiOnline.org.