'Finding Quiet'

Jamie Grace: Finding Quiet

Jamie Grace is a two-time Grammy-nominated singer, songwriter, and actress. Diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome, OCD, ADHD, and anxiety at a young age. At 19 years old, Jamie was nominated for a Grammy for a song she wrote in college, and her career skyrocketed in a matter of months. Among several other nominations, Jamie won the Dove Awards New Artist of the Year, a lot happened, fast. While these are dream scenarios for any aspiring musician, they collided with the symptoms of Jamie’s diagnosed illnesses – a tendency to overanalyze decisions, ongoing social worry, fear, periods of reclusiveness, a never-ending cycle of ruminating on choices and situations, anxious thoughts which turn into anxious feelings which turn into panic.

Over the years Jamie has turned to medication, counseling and prayer, and found that through a combination of purposeful habits and her faith in Jesus, she is able to manage her thoughts and find rest and quiet in order to hear the Lord’s voice louder than others. Jamie now uses her story to actively advocates for joy, wellness, and mental health through the lens of music, film, and faith.

Her new book, Finding Quiet, Jamie combines her true story with practical life lessons that have helped her learn to let go. In this conversation she vulnerably shares her lowest moments of pain and self-doubt, and leads us through her journey in search of freedom, found in the quiet moments.

An entertainer at heart, she regularly creates fresh content, including new music and weekly videos and episodes of The Jamie Grace Podcast. When she isn’t touring, Jamie lives in Southern California with her husband, Aaron, and daughter, Isabella Brave.

Link to purchase book, Finding Quiet:

Website: https://jamiegrace.com/

Podcast: https://anchor.fm/thejamiegracepodcast