Myisha T

Myisha T.

Myisha T is an awesome and sometimes exhausted mom to 3 different-ability children. She is an anti-racism guide, mental health activist, speaker, and entrepreneur who is passionate about women’s mental wellness and empowerment.

A passionate advocate for mental wellness, Myisha T believes that when people get real, they can begin to heal. She founded the “Check Your Privilege” (CYP) movement, an online community, and a series of workshops that support women all over the world in exploring their relationships with power, privilege, and racism.

A proponent for women of color having access to healing she’s co-leads Brown Sisters Speak a mental health peer support and women’s empowerment movement for BBIWoC.

To find out more about Myisha and to connect with her:

To find her newest book, classes and podcast:

To find her on Instagram:

Co-Conspired Conversation Podcast:Girl You Betta Apologize; The Problem With Rachel Hollis